Low Res City – The Phygital Warehouse, Y5. Tutors: Prof. Laura Allen and Prof. Mark Smout. A large scale model of 'Low Res City' served as testbed to celebrate and evaluate existing and novel ways of fabrication. Using photogrammetry on screenshots allowed me to obtain low-resolution pointclouds of the whole city. Pinpointing where to 'grab' data, the intersections of a coordinate grid overlaying the city perimeter limited my agency as curator. Bit by bit a compressed image of Hamburg got physicalised, using newly developed techniques – Augmented Carving and Papercasting –, paired with established digital fabrication technologies, such as robotic milling and 3D-printing. Challenged by the recomposition of mined and and physicalised specimens, Low Res City forms a provocation towards the image of the city: grabbed from the sky, can a shed in the backgarden, a street corner, a field of crops become truer representatives of the city fabric and its phygital moments?