MArch BSc

The Phygital Warehouse

Low Res City – The Phygital Warehouse, Y5. Tutors: Prof. Laura Allen and Prof. Mark Smout. In my design proposal I focus on the 'Phygital Warehouse'. Its program accommodates physical and virtual storage for the 'game' resources, as well a…

Low Res City – The Phygital Warehouse, Y5. Tutors: Prof. Laura Allen and Prof. Mark Smout. In my design proposal I focus on the 'Phygital Warehouse'. Its program accommodates physical and virtual storage for the 'game' resources, as well as providing spaces for the community in which meta-decisions about the game and its mechanics can be discussed and made. The design language is informed by 80 samples of Hamburg that are mined from Apple Maps. Using photogrammetry on screenshots allows me to obtain low-resolution pointclouds of the whole city. Pinpointing where to 'grab' data, the intersections of a coordinate grid overlaying the city perimeter limits my agency as curator. The 15 x 15 meter sized 'specimens' become true representatives of the city fabric – amongst others containing bits of crop elds, of the Autobahn, of a brutalist warehouse (48). These samples are used as enclosure of the required spaces as well as 1:1 testbeds for the laypersons to test Realized Augmentity as delivery method. Once the building is completed, the islanders are prepared to take over their island – having actually built every bit of a city by themselves. 
